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What to look out for when changing electricity or gas provider? The important points

Experiences of other customers: You should check customer satisfaction before deciding on a new provider.

With the large comparison portals, this can be done easily with one click. Above all, you should look at the latest empirical values. If an energy supplier has had some bad reviews lately, consider finding another supplier that has more satisfied customers.

Term: The longer the term, the more attractive the tariffs. But 1 year makes sense, so that you are flexible and can then look around for a better offer. With a longer term of several years, you have no option to switch during the contract period because you are tied to a specific supplier.

Price guarantee: We recommend a price guarantee of at least 12 months. If you waive a guarantee, the provider can increase the prices at will

Price guarantee: We recommend a price guarantee of at least 12 months. If you waive a guarantee, the provider can increase the prices at will

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